Matrix Treadmill Owner's Manual

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Summary of Contents


TREADMILLSOWNER’S MANUALT1-T3_Treadmills_r2.4.indd 1 9/15/10 10:52 AM

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8CHAPTER 4: t1x, t1xe, t3x, t3xe overlay and Workout description4.2 MANUAL WORKOUT OPERATIONQUICK START OPERATIONPress the GO button and the treadmill

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9CHAPTER 4: t1x, t1xe, t3x, t3xe overlay and Workout description4.5 FITNESS TEST WORKOUT OPERATIONThe Matrix T1x & T1xe treadmills offer a Gerkin

Page 4 - CHAPTER 1: I

10CHAPTER 4: t1x, t1xe, t3x, t3xe overlay and Workout descriptionMales: VO2 max (ml/kg/min) 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59SUPERIOR >58.8 >58.9 &g

Page 5 - maintenance

11CHAPTER 5: T1x, T1xe, T3x, T3xe Treadmill specifications, parts, and assembly Guides5.1 T1x, T1xe, T3x, T3xe MODEL SPECIFICATIONSModel Name MTX-T1 (

Page 6 - number location

12CHAPTER 5: T1x, T1xe, T3x, T3xe Treadmill specifications, parts, and assembly Guides5.2 T1x, T1xe, T3x, T3xe MODEL REQUIRED FASTENERS & ASSEMBLE

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13CHAPTER 5: T1x, T1xe, T3x, T3xe Treadmill specifications, parts, and assembly Guides5.3 T1x, T1xe, T3x, T3xe MODEL ASSEMBLY STEPSOpen Blue Assembly

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14Open Black & White Assembly Bag. Assemble the contact HR crossbar to the left and right handlebars using 14-socket head cap screw. Fasten the co

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155.3 T1x, T1xe, T3x, T3xe MODEL ASSEMBLY STEPSOpen Yellow Console Assembly Bag. Make appropriate color coded wire connections to the faceplate and th

Page 10 - CHAPTER 4:

16CHAPTER 5: T1x, T1xe, T3x, T3xe Treadmill specifications, parts, and assembly GuidesASSEMBLY COMPLETEAssembly is complete and the auto-calibration s

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MATRI X FIT N ES S 160 0 L A ND MA RK DR IV E COT TA GE GR OV E W I 5 3 52 7 USATOL L F R EE 8 6 6. 69 3. 4 86 3 w w w. m a t r i x

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2CHAPTER 1: Important Safety Instructions1.1 BEFORE GETTING STARTEDIt is the sole responsibility of the purchaser of Matrix Fitness Systems products

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3CHAPTER 1: Important Safety Instructions3CHAPTER 1: Important Safety Instructions1.4 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTSFor your safety and to ensure good treadm

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42.4 ADJUSTING THE BELTAfter placing the treadmill in the position it will be used, the belt must be checked for proper tension and centering. The bel


5CHAPTER 4: t1x overlay and Workout description4.1 T1x CONSOLE DESCRIPTIONWORKOUT KEYS: Simple program view and selection buttons.GO: One touch Start

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6T3x CONSOLE DESCRIPTIONCHAPTER 4: t3x overlay and Workout descriptionWORKOUT KEYS: Simple program view and selection buttons.GO: One touch Start and

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7T1xe / T3xe CONSOLE DESCRIPTIONCHAPTER 4: t1xe / t3xe overlay and Workout descriptionMULTI-PURPOSE KEYS: Keys have different functions depending on e

Comments to this Manuals

Jhon 15 Aug 2024 | 13:17:06

Thank you